BJJ Purple Belt: Requirements for Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

“A purple belt is simply a belt worn to tighten a player’s clothes.” This is what you’ll probably think if you are not into Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (BJJ) or you’re a potential player who is still researching this sport.

However, a purple belt is not just a simple belt, and it was not made purple for anything.

A purple belt is a person who has achieved a lot of knowledge, expertise, and experience in the said sport. If this still confuses you, read the whole article to understand better.

Firstly, let’s define what a belt system is in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.

What is a Belt System in BJJ?

how to get purple belt in BJJ

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu has a belt system that serves as a relevant progress indicator, thus ranking BJJ players. The belts have different colors in order to identify what it means quickly.

For instance, you get promoted at work when you have spent enough time and proven to have enough knowledge and expertise. The same goes for BJJ.

After countless training and achieving specific benchmarks, you will be deserving enough for a belt. Hence, the belt represents the student’s rank and arduous journey in the said sport.

But, it doesn’t end with just acquiring a particular belt. It has corresponding responsibilities and a goal to continuously upgrade and benefit other players from standard students to having a white, blue, and purple belt.

What is a Purple Belt?

Some people may argue that the blue belt is the most challenging rank in BJJ. But wait until you learn about the purple belt and know what it is for.

A purple belt is awarded when a player begins to form their own identity and execute their styles rather than applying the simple techniques they learned as a beginner.

First, you become curious about making a particular move or how it can be beneficial, then experiment. When you learn that it can be helpful, you innovate to have a good performance.

This shows that you are already knowledgeable enough about BJJ, joined seminars, competitions, and most importantly, you’ve persevered throughout your entire journey.

What are the BJJ Purple Belt Requirements?

Even after years, up to the current year 2022, acquiring a purple belt in BJJ has not changed.

Still, it takes blood, sweat, tears, and a thousand hours on the mat. You need to start from the low before you get to the top.

Hence, before aiming for a purple belt, you must first have a white belt then a blue belt. After that, the most significant change starts as you shift from blue belt to purple belt.

Being awarded the said belts requires a lot of hard work as a BJJ player. He must know how to make various moves in various positions while keeping them connected.

The player should master different effective BJJ submissions like chokes and locks while ensuring a smooth and controlled transition of positions such as turtle, knee on belly, side control, and back control.

However, the player should be limited to the techniques or moves he learned and know how to make them better and more effective.

For instance, a person who does a lot of work is nothing compared to a person who does a few but makes sure it’s well done. It’s quality, stability, and dedication over anything else.

Achieving the said characteristics starts with the willingness and motivation to train frequently and effectively.

More than three times a week will accelerate your goal to have the purple belt. But, always keep in mind that you don’t just train frequently to be noticed.

You need to make sure that everything you do and every hour spent makes a difference for you as a BJJ player.

That said, a player’s personality, attitude, and behavior inside and outside the gym are critical in order to be a purple belt practitioner.

What it is Like to Be a Purple Belt

More than other belts, purple belts have a corresponding responsibility and commitment in training as you welcome more challenges.

You are no longer a regular student, so it requires a higher level of dedication and is taken seriously.

You may be wondering what the difference is between the two. In being a purple belt, a practitioner executes solitary moves and movements.

A movement’s traits are smooth, fluid, and purposeful. It means that as a purple belt, every attack or defense comes without aggressiveness but with a concept.

Moreover, since a purple belt indicates that a player has gained enough knowledge and skills in BJJ, it gives the right to coach or teaches lower belts.

Well, acquiring a purple belt doesn’t mean you’ll be obliged to coach, but you can if you wish to. 

Because you can already teach, the purple belt benefits you at the gym and other players as you help them enhance their BJJ skills.

In this level of accepting leadership roles, you’ll be able to connect all the things you’ve learned into a tenacious and personal Brazilian Jiu-jitsu game.

bjj purple belt requirements

What Should You Do as a Purple Belt

Aside from the given responsibilities, it is and will always be your responsibility to maintain your good health and stamina so you can fulfill the rest.

You can do cycling, swimming, walking, running, and aerobic exercises to achieve this. You must continue to train frequently.

Furthermore, you should not just limit your boxing training in the gym. Whether outside, in your home, or wherever is possible, make sure that you always work hard to be better.


Being awarded a Jiu-jitsu purple belt is a dream of most BJJ players. In order to achieve this, you need a combination of technical knowledge in BJJ, a deeper understanding of the sport, and many critical behavioral aspects such as perseverance, dedication, competitiveness, and passion.

These traits should be carried throughout your journey in BJJ and not just to have the purple belt. In fact, it will be more challenging but will surely be fun.

Most importantly, you must have the heart to contribute meaningfully to the lower belt’s growth and we assure you that more purple belts will be rewarded as and when you progress.